Answer True or False to each of the statements below to find out how healthy you pet is. As soon as you have answered the questions click submit and you will get an instant assessment of your pet health. To take the quiz for a second pet just refresh or reload the page and start again.
This should not be considered a replacement for a trip to the vet, only a real physical examination of your pet can tell you for sure whether your pet is healthy or not.
However this quiz may help to highlight areas of which you need to be aware, and which you may wish to discuss with your vet.
Lets Go!
1. My pet had a clean and glossy coat, does not scratch and has no unusual hair loss. I cannot feel any lumps or bumps on my pets skin.
- True
- False
2. My pet is vaccinated, is regularly wormed and regularly treated for fleas.
- True
- False
3. My pet eats well and passes normal looking stools at regular intervals and without discomfort.
- True
- False
4. My pet drinks neither more nor less than he or she always has and passes urine regularly, not too often, and without difficulty.
- True
- False
5. My pet is neither over nor underweight for his breed
If you are unsure try the Rib Fat Test, you should not be able to see your pets ribs but you should be able to feel them easily when you gently rub the chest with the palm of your hand.
- True
- False
6. My pet has no difficulty with exercise or in climbing up stairs, onto chairs or into the car.
- True
- False
7. My pet sleeps well and does not get short of breath or cough.
- True
- False
8. My pet appears to have normal sight and eyes that are clear and bright with no discharge.
- True
- False
9. My pets seems to have normal hearing and ears that are odour free, not itchy and appear pale pink to whitish-gray in colour inside.
- True
- False
10. My pets teeth are shiny and white and the gums pale pink. There is no smelly breath and he or she does not mind me taking a look into his or her mouth.
- True
- False